The townships of Mahia, Mahanga & Opoutama were unable to be provided with internet services by the usual means.
They are located approximately 37.6km away from the nearest telephone exchange.
No other providers were willing to invest the required capital due to low population density.
Milton Smith from the Mahia region gathered details of Mahia/Mahanga residents and approached us for a solution.
Contact key landholders in the region and approach them in regards to hosting sites on their land.
Invest in equipment that will be able to provide a fast and reliable link back to our Gisborne sites and withstand the elements.
Erect sites/links in both Mahia and Mahanga that will be able to provide Ultra Fast Broadband to the majority of residents in the region.
Access to the internet at high speed.
Local technicians situated in the closest city to the region when support is needed.
The majority of the region now have access to Ultra Fast Broadband, at no exorbitant cost to them - they pay the same rates as our standard urban customers.